Webs of Woven Words, Threads, Stitches and Enchantments

Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Greening of the Goddesses!

While others are celebrating Beltane, I shall be celebrating my own version of May Day, The Greening of the Goddesses. For me, this is a celebration of that yearly, sensuous riot, the growth of the Earth; seeds splitting and sprouting, green, tender shoots dancing upward toward the Sun, the Sky, for early harvest, health and enjoyment. Now is the time of the great Earth Mother, Demeter, in Her full power and majesty as She Who Brings Forth From The Land.

In addition, this is the time, for me, to cast my magicks to promote fresh, creative energies and inspiration - more projects of fiber, paint and words. All of this brought to fruition by Persephone's return to Her mother.  Once again She wanders fields, breathing in the rich and redolent scent of flowers and herbs, listening to the winds, dancing with Her Nymphs, all the while, Her mother, Great Demeter, and Hekate, fond companion, watch and smile across the Land.

Ah, Spring settles in and Summer is not far behind. All the Earth is bustling with the business of creation and rebirth!

Blessings Nine !


  1. Happy May Day, W of S! She is definitely strolling through my corner of the world -- green, green, green! Such joy!

  2. Blessings to you this day of celebration.

  3. Wishing you many Beltane Blessings! )O(

  4. The blessings of the Goddesses upon all of you! XO

  5. Blessings to all of you .... I had a very quiet Beltane as my little grandson (only 6) came over with his parents and we collected May blossom, planted some seeds and said thanks to Mother Earth for all the things which are growing so fast in the garden - he is young but can understand this - then we lit some sage in my little cauldron - which Joseph also loves !

  6. Val, that sounds like a beautiful way to spend this special day! Yes, children really are wonderful with communication and understanding land spirits and the magick of life! XO
