Webs of Woven Words, Threads, Stitches and Enchantments

Monday, May 27, 2013

Pride & Prejudice Documentary

Here is a most informative radio documentary about Jane Austen and her novel, Pride and Prejudice, this year celebrating the 200th anniversary of its publication. A great deal of interesting information with lovely music and clips from various productions pepper the documentary. Something I learned and I didn't realize, there is a Pride and Prejudice opera!!! Jane and opera, I am beside myself that two great loves are combined. This will be a must listen to, at least, if I cannot find a DVD or live performance.

And why am I posting this here, a witchy, goddess blog? Well... in my opinion, Jane was definitely a sorceress, weaving words into magick. Perhaps you agree?

Blessings nine!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Do Not Piss Off The Witches

In Romania, some witches are not happy due to a new law which requires them to pay taxes on the little they make for their magical work. Their response? They are planning to curse the government. It was not long ago that a woman could be jailed for being a witch in that country. At least one witch is glad because it means her practice is accepted and she can openly have a shop offering her services. Read the article here:

Romania's witches curse income tax ruling

Blessings nine!