Webs of Woven Words, Threads, Stitches and Enchantments

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Hallows Everyday - 9


Some were witches, some were occultists, some magical practitioners, all left their mark.

 Sybil Leek

Marion Weinstein

Gerald Gardner

Doreen Valiente, 

Dion Fortune

Rosaleen Norton

Morning Glory Zell-Ravenheart

Aleister Crowley

These are some of our Elders who have crossed over, but remain with us in the writings and the  shared over their many years and the wisdom they have left behind. We remember them, we honor them. Mighty blessings!

Devotional activity: Choose one of these Elders, or all, and research who they were and why they are important to our Artes. 

Supposedly a "real" witch. What do you thing?

Blessings dark and deep!

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