Webs of Woven Words, Threads, Stitches and Enchantments

Monday, June 20, 2016

Weekly Oracle, Summer Solstice and Full Moon Blessings!

Carpo - Summer Fruits
from Ancient Feminine Wisdom 
of Goddesses and Heroines
by Kay Stevenson and Brian Clark

I am always, no matter how many times it happens, amazed by the appropriateness of the oracle or tarot card that presents itself for a particular day. Today is no exception with this card, Carpo - Summer Fruits.

The fiery colors of summer surround Carpo who holds Her offering of fruit to us, Her gift of plenty and richness. The summer's heat is upon us and the land, we revel in it and accept that fiery energy. The seed has burst forth, first into flower, then to fruit. And this is so in our lives. That which we have worked to accomplish comes to fruition. The wheel turns and the season of fullness comes into being. It brings a time of abundant fertility and prosperity, completion and its rewards.

Look now at what you have achieved so far, focus on these good things and more to come, for it will come. Give thanks and keep to your devotions, for this is a time of wealth and plenty in all areas of our lives, we must show gratitude for that which we have been given.

Carpo is a meteorological  goddess who provides all the elements that nature needs to flourish. And so She does for us as well. Hail and thanks to Carpo!

Summer Solstice and Full Moon blessings to all at this most perfect turning of time, when the waxing time becomes the waning. May your lives be filled with all that you need and desire.

Blessings nine!

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