Webs of Woven Words, Threads, Stitches and Enchantments

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Thanksgiving & Gratitude

 Thanksgiving has become a political bone of contention. Not for me. I honor this day by being grateful for all blessings in my life. It isn’t anything to do with history, it’s about my gratitude. 

I have very fond memories of Thanksgiving through my life. I realize that is not the case for everyone. However, if someone had a bad mother, should all of us not celebrate Mother’s Day?

I do not celebrate the Pilgrims, I celebrate joy, family, friendship, good food, laughter. I acknowledge the good in my life even in these times of chaos. 

The Goddesses have given us so much, some more than others. Okay. I am still grateful for what I have, the beauty I see everyday, friendships, my own harvests and those of friends.

If you choose not to celebrate as I do or many others, I honor that. I am grateful for the freedom to do so. And that is a very good point. Freedom of spiritual belief, freedom of religion, freedom to be grateful in our own ways.

So with that said, I share here a prayer I was inspired to write as a blessing before meals. And whatever and however you choose to celebrate on Thursday, May it bring you the blessings of that which you need.

Prayer Before Meals

Great Mother, Mistress, 
Governess of all the Elements, 
Queen of the Universe, Creatress Divine,
To You we give our gratitude 
for all blessings and lessons 
You bestow upon us.
Our honor and love is Yours.
For this meal we now partake of, 
receive our unending thanks.
May we never hunger, 
May we never thirst, 
May we always thrive with 
Your blessings upon us.
So mote it be.

Copyright EA Kaufman 2021

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