Webs of Woven Words, Threads, Stitches and Enchantments

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Hallows Everyday - 8

The Lamp - Remembrance
The Halloween Oracle by Stacey DeMarco

Interesting, remembrance seems to be the theme so far. When I first shuffled the deck this morning, the same card from the other day, The Underworld, stuck out to the side. I turned it over and thought, well, I need to re-read and perhaps think about the Underworld a little more. For me, I am pretty sure I know what the reappearance of that card is about. Each of you will have to decide for yourselves.

I reshuffled and made clearer my intention, a message about this season for any who read this blog as well as myself. The Lamp - Remembrance. Again... interesting.

For almost all of my years involved in Paganism and Polytheism, I have left a light in one or three of my windows for the spirits. I dedicate special candles for my Ancestors. Stacey calls the lamp a symbol of remembrance, leaving the lights on for those who wish to come home. It also soothes our own mourning spirit within, sad over the loss of those who have passed. Lights at night, candles, lamps, small flames in the dark, are exactly that, very soothing.

The Lamp also represents Hekate for me, with Her torches, in Her aspect as Soteira. She lights the way for us, brightens our lives. That lamp is also a call, I feel. She is saying, "come, be with Me, immerse yourself in the Mysteries I have to offer. Time for some journey work.

The Lamp card also tells us that there is no need to continue to be sad when remembering those who have passed. Certainly we must mourn, release that sadness, experience it and let our feelings release in an appropriate manner. But, in the end, we will be reunited with those we mourn. They are on a new journey, and they do come to visit now and again. When we need them, they are there, we simply call to them. This is why an Ancestor altar is so important, in my opinion, it becomes a strong connection. 

Light your lamps or candles, call them home. They await your summons with love and blessings.

Blessings dark and deep!


  1. Last night as I was unpacking boxes from storage, I came across dresses and other beautiful handmade itmes my maternal Grandmother made for me. An outburst of deep weeping overcame me. I felt her presence as I lovingly thought of her while admiring her work. I am glad you posted this. I love remembering my Grandparents and my Shelties at my Ancestor's altar, it give me comfort. Plus, they know I still love and miss them all. Blessings.

  2. Thank you for introducing me to this amazing deck.
