This year I decided that I would perform nine nights of rituals for Hallows - the ninth night will fall on Hallows. The first night I had planned a ritual of invocations and meditation, but the meditation turned into an interesting journey. I was traveling in the dark, could very much feel myself moving. There were others around me, but they were so shadowy I could not see who they were - not at all threatening, just traveling along. At one point I came upon what looked like an altar in the woods, set on the ground. The altar was actually a huge flat stone that looked a great deal like my own hearth stone, but much, much larger. The item that stood out, and there were many things on the altar, was a tall glass candle holder, very plain and almost out of place. I could only see the light, not the candle - a glowing, flickering light, of course I'm assuming it was a candle. Once again I was traveling with the shadowy beings, then a visit to what appeared to be a temple of some sort, very rustic and seemed to be in a cave. Finally, home again.
Following the ritual, I went to bed, but had this chant going around and around in my head. I knew I should get up and write it down, but it was so late and I was tired. Well, then of course it took on a melody, it just wouldn't let go, so up and off to the kitchen with my guitar (so as not to disturb my consort) to get that "song" down. Once I did that, I slept like the dead!
I have been thinking about that large altar stone that looked so much like my own hearth stone. I had been working with my stone during the day, dusting and rearranging the altar, preparing for my ritual. My stone drew me to it the very first time I saw it, yet I can explain nothing about why, only say that it is an important focus during rituals. More than that, I am always aware of it, aware of its spirit. Interesting that I should see something so similar during a journey. I suppose it will explain itself or not, as it chooses.
The second night, I joined my dear friend Raven, also dedicated to Hekate, for a bit of full moon magick. We included divination, which answered some questions we both had - big surprise, LOL - and then made a libation and left offerings at the crossroads outside her home.
Tonight's ritual, at my own hearth, just simple invocations and being with the spirits of my home. The series of rituals could be considered a votive offering, I suppose. I have made a commitment to the goddesses and spirits to acknowledge them in a special way, each evening for nine nights. But for what reason? I don't think I know, I just know that it is what I need to do - for them and for myself.
What you see is Her,
walking the shadows and howling to the Universe,
forewarning Her arrival.
Black hair falling to Her feet,
fills the ocean and becomes the waves,
Her legs become the forest;
Her breasts become the mountains.
Her womb becomes your ancient home.
~Anne-Christine Johnson~
Blessings nine!