Webs of Woven Words, Threads, Stitches and Enchantments

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Mirror Magick

 Mirror Magic

The symbolism of the mirror has a deep magical implication. It is believed that the mirror is able to introduce us to our own soul and even reveal the secrets of abundance and attractiveness.

Sense of Magic

The mirror is a special energy tool that can work miracles. Its magical properties have been known to mankind since ancient times. Myths about the Roman goddess Venus, the Egyptian Hathor, and the Japanese goddess Ishikoridome are all associated with mirrors.

Mirrors remember every event that has ever been reflected in them and are capable of connecting the energies of the astral realm and the physical world, to absorb and give back energy.


✶ Any reflecting surface has the same magical power as the mirror. Therefore, if your current wish is to receive a material item, perform a simple ritual: while walking around the city, look at your reflection in the window of a store that you like. Smile and imagine yourself with this thing, feel the energy of this moment. After a while your wish will come true.

✶ Each time you see yourself in the mirror, mentally draw the image you are striving for over your reflection. Imagine a golden stream transform you into that person. After that, walk proudly and confidently to conquer the world.

✶ When you place mirrors opposite each other and stand between them, you create a special portal. You can send any thought into it, and, having been reflected in many possible worlds, it will definitely come back to you and come true.

✶ Mirror boxes are a powerful magical object. As in the previous ritual, they reflect each other thereby infinitely multiplying any energy. Put a picture corresponding to your intention in such a box — it can be a sigil or any other symbol — and this power will augment every day.

✶ By placing a mirror opposite the source of negative energy you will send the negative impulse back. Therefore, in any situation that you dislike, visualize a big mirror between you and the external environment, facing the world, and with its opposite side facing you. Before going outside you can build a mirror protection around yourself, visualizing a wall of mirrors, a mirror cocoon surrounding you from all sides. The mirrors should face outward.

✶ To decorate your interior and attract energy of the sort that you require, you can cover the frame of the mirror with appropriate stones and minerals.

Useful Tips

✶ The shape of the mirror is significant for its successful use for magical purposes. Each shape has a magical meaning, according to which you can attract the necessary energy into your life.

Round and oval mirrors symbolize the energy of Venus. They are associated with the circle of life, cycles and unity and used for establishing harmony in your home and success in self-improvement.

Squares and rectangles symbolize balance and control over life situations. It is a reliable and powerful force, based on the symbolism of the four elements. Such mirrors are used to attract stability.

The octagon stands for energy and power. It has a special significance in the concept of feng shui and Western spiritual schools as a symbol of the main and additional sides of the world, as well as the eight sun festivals. It blocks unwanted energies, strengthens abilities, and improves health.

✶ It is believed that concave mirrors absorb energy, while convex mirrors repel it.

✶ Just as all magical objects, mirrors need to be cleansed and charged. To do that, it is enough to clean it once a month any way you like and place it under the moonlight or sunlight.

✶ If the mirror is used for practice, it should be covered with a thick, dark cloth at all other times.

- from MoonX

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Stones for Winter

Clear Quartz, Citrine, & Selenite 
Photo by Linda Raphael 

 Magical Stones For Winter

We've turned back the clocks and Hallows Eve has passed, now we welcome the holidays and the winter of the year. Winter is a time of introspection, journeying within and remembering. While all the preparations for the holidays begin, take time for yourself, not only to rest and restore on a physical level, but especially on a spiritual and emotional level. The energies of this season, Winter, help us journey down deep into ourselves to remember and find answers.

When journeying, I like to either hold stones in my hands or enclose myself in a stone grid. Pocket or palm sized stones work very well for this. Stones can be held in the hands while sitting in a comfortable, cozy chair or lying down in soothing surroundings. Placing stones in a circle, at four points (head, feet, right hand and left) or even in a triangular pattern  (head, side of left foot and side of right foot) around you, works very well for making an energetic boundary that focuses energies, intention and also protects. There are many ways to surround yourself with stones, use your imagination.

Here is a bit of information about three of my favorite stones that I like to use for this work. 

The first is quartz crystal, either points or smooth polished pocket stones. The points are great for directing energy, but the polished stones, especially when used in a circle or four points grid, make a gently swirling, encompassing energy vortex. Crystal quartz is an energy amplifier and willingly will assist us. It is also a stone of memory, helping us to "remember" on a spiritual level. In meditation it can enhance one's journeying experience by bringing back to us details and information long forgotten from other lives, dreams and spiritual encounters. One can also gaze into the crystal for divination.

Citrine can assist in opening the third eye and clearing heavy, burdensome energies, making it a perfect helper stone for journeying work. It works to open the way to clearly seeing and accepting information in a positive light, as a mother energy gently guiding. The beautiful citrine is also a stone of manifestation, helping us bring thoughts and desires to fruition. It surrounds one with a golden, healing, positive energy.

Selenite is another stone helper that assists in opening the third eye. It also opens the crown and soul chakras as well making it a good companion for journey and meditative work. Selenite is a perfect ally for reinforcing energy grids, so it is an amazing stone to be surrounded by. It can assist in clearing the blockages that keep us from "remembering" and moving forward with the information received from spiritual realms. It enhances our inner vision allowing us access to past lives and assisting during divination. I keep pieces of selenite with each of my divination tools.  Placing two selenite points at one's front door re-enforces protective energies in the home.

These are just three of the many stones that can assist us, on all levels and in many ways. Each stone has a spirit within, just as we do, as plants, animals, all beings. They are waiting for you to make contact and connection.

Blessings dark and deep!



Monday, December 5, 2022

Sweet Scents

 Three favorite spices of mine are cinnamon, cloves, and ginger. They are very uplifting, and make me feel cozy and protected. And there’s a good reason for that… they are, in fact, highly protective and do a wonderful job of banishing harmful, negative energies. They can break a hex and clear bad luck. These spices bring in joyful energies while doing their clearing work too.

This powder can be blended any time you have need. Use equal parts of the powdered spices, blend together well, awaken and enchant in you usual manner. This powder may then be sprinkled in corners, on window sills, at doorsteps. You may also place the powder in pouches and hang or tuck about in your home. They may also be burned on a charcoal or used in a simmer pot. The whole or chopped dried spices can be placed in a pretty dish for a protective and cleansing potpourri.

As I use these wonderful and helpful spices, I chant the following:

Scent of cinnamon, clove, and ginger,
Clear away all that will injure.
Let them not ever rest here, 
Let them now forever be cleared.
In their place bring joy and cheer,
Forevermore to rest here!

c EA Kaufman 2022

Sunday, December 4, 2022

Winter Solstice Tree Blessing


Winter Solstice Tree Blessing 

Holy Lady, Mother of Trees,
Bestow Your abundant blessings 
Upon this, our Solstice tree.
May its evergreen branches be a sign
Of Your never fading love and wisdom.
May it’s colorful lights and ornaments 
Decorate our home and our world 
With love and peace.
May the gifts that surround this tree
Be symbols of the gifts we have received
From the beautiful Earth Herself.
Blessed Winter Solstice tree within our home 
May joy and peace, wisdom and abundance,
Compassion and love, come and nest
In your branches and in our hearts.
And it is so!

A Christian prayer for blessing a Christmas tree
Found at beliefnet.com, adapted by
Elizabeth Kaufman 

Friday, December 2, 2022

A Simple Yule Ritual

This Yule Ritual is simple, Goddess-centered/Dianic, and can be adjusted for solitary or group gatherings. The original version is by Geraldine Andrew, who included it in a Dianic Wheel of the Year series.

The ritual space should be decorated for the season, as you like. Place four white candles at the quarters and another white candle on the altar. Other candles may be placed on the altar, your preferred colors to represent any goddesses you choose to honor.

Purify and bless the space, altar, and each other, then cast your circle and call the quarters in your preferred manner. Call the Goddesses while holding hands and chanting this three times, then lighting the Goddess candles:

Old Wise One, Shining Silver Hag, Dark Mother, 
Take us in.
Old Wise One, Shining Silverq Hag, Dark Mother,
Let us be reborn.
(By Patricia Witt, adapted)

Everyone now sits down to prepare their “giveaways” - words, sachets of herbs, or objects that symbolize what each woman wants or needs to release, let go of. Paper and pens should be available. Each woman should have prepared any other item she would wish to include in advance as her giveaway and brought with her. Alternatively, with herbs available, something may be made, again focusing on what needs to be released. Herbs for releasing, a cauldron with prepared charcoal, should also be available.

Focus energy on the letting go while tapping, clapping, drumming, or using rattles or sistrums in the background as each woman prefers. When ready you may chant the following as many times as needed or wanted:

To die and be reborn,
Cleansed and purified,
During the longest night 
As the Wheel of the Year turns,
We now release what no longer serves us.
(Reclaiming Community, amended)

Women now may speak out words or sentences of
that which they need to release. They will also light the papers that they have written on on fire and toss into a cauldron at the center of the altar. 

The Hag, Dark Mother, Old One is now invoked into one woman to finish the releasing by cutting all ties to 
what has been released. The Hag will go to each woman to receive the giveaway item. In turn the Hag gives the woman a boline to hold, feel, to connect with the Hag. She then returns the boline to the Hag who then draws three Xs over the woman’s head.
The Hag then embraces each woman.


Divination- we generally have everyone draw one oracle card and give interpretations, discussion.

Farewell to the Goddesses
Farewell to the Elements 

Open the Circle & Feast

Blessings dark and deep!