Webs of Woven Words, Threads, Stitches and Enchantments

Friday, December 2, 2022

A Simple Yule Ritual

This Yule Ritual is simple, Goddess-centered/Dianic, and can be adjusted for solitary or group gatherings. The original version is by Geraldine Andrew, who included it in a Dianic Wheel of the Year series.

The ritual space should be decorated for the season, as you like. Place four white candles at the quarters and another white candle on the altar. Other candles may be placed on the altar, your preferred colors to represent any goddesses you choose to honor.

Purify and bless the space, altar, and each other, then cast your circle and call the quarters in your preferred manner. Call the Goddesses while holding hands and chanting this three times, then lighting the Goddess candles:

Old Wise One, Shining Silver Hag, Dark Mother, 
Take us in.
Old Wise One, Shining Silverq Hag, Dark Mother,
Let us be reborn.
(By Patricia Witt, adapted)

Everyone now sits down to prepare their “giveaways” - words, sachets of herbs, or objects that symbolize what each woman wants or needs to release, let go of. Paper and pens should be available. Each woman should have prepared any other item she would wish to include in advance as her giveaway and brought with her. Alternatively, with herbs available, something may be made, again focusing on what needs to be released. Herbs for releasing, a cauldron with prepared charcoal, should also be available.

Focus energy on the letting go while tapping, clapping, drumming, or using rattles or sistrums in the background as each woman prefers. When ready you may chant the following as many times as needed or wanted:

To die and be reborn,
Cleansed and purified,
During the longest night 
As the Wheel of the Year turns,
We now release what no longer serves us.
(Reclaiming Community, amended)

Women now may speak out words or sentences of
that which they need to release. They will also light the papers that they have written on on fire and toss into a cauldron at the center of the altar. 

The Hag, Dark Mother, Old One is now invoked into one woman to finish the releasing by cutting all ties to 
what has been released. The Hag will go to each woman to receive the giveaway item. In turn the Hag gives the woman a boline to hold, feel, to connect with the Hag. She then returns the boline to the Hag who then draws three Xs over the woman’s head.
The Hag then embraces each woman.


Divination- we generally have everyone draw one oracle card and give interpretations, discussion.

Farewell to the Goddesses
Farewell to the Elements 

Open the Circle & Feast

Blessings dark and deep!

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