Webs of Woven Words, Threads, Stitches and Enchantments

Thursday, September 1, 2011

So September Arrives!

copyright 2010 E A Kaufman

... all things change and pass in the end,
and when they are past we must rest and forget.
That too is the law of the gods.
When the summer is over, the land must sleep,
root and stone and water and earth:
the seed in the furrow, the beast in the hole,
the leaf on the tree giving itself to the air,
lightly - lightly - no weight staying it
- to fall to the ground and to rest.
To rest and to rest, safe on the ground,
deep under the snow,
with nothing to trouble it, only to rest.

... Rest, rest and forget.
The seed to the furrow, the beast to the hole,
the leaf to the ground,
and all to rest and forget.

- from The Perilous Gard by Elizabeth Marie Pope -

Happy September! Ah... how I love the change from August to September. The great wheel of the seasons slowly, slowly moving. I  look forward to certain tasks - changing the quilt on our bed, mixing a new cinnamon and clove pot pourri. I also pull out my worn and spattered recipe for apple butter, waiting for new apples to arrive. And then... pomanders! Those clove studded oranges that leave my fingertips stained brown and scented with cloves and orange no matter how many times I wash them. Delish! They add that wonderful orange spice scent to my home along with the apple butter. Oh... and my favorite Fanny Farmer Apple Cake recipe - also spattered and worn - scrumptious, buttery and spicy. Casseroles, stews, soups - all the recipes come out and so what if it is still warm outside? Inside, Autumn is about to arrive! It all makes me feel so Septemberish. Ah, if only I could live in Autumn all year long!

And, of course, there are magicakal tasks too; brews, herbal blends to prepare; spells and rituals to review - all for the coming season - The Autumn Equinox and Hallows; dark moons and full moons. 

So tomorrow, upon rising, the September tasks begin! A delightful day ahead.

Delicious autumn!
My very soul is wedded to it.
If I were a bird
I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns.

- George Eliot -

Blessings nine!


  1. Lovely post.....thanks so much for your beautiful words.

  2. Hi Liz,
    I think you must have read my heart and mind when you wrote this post. I've pulled out my box of Fall and Halloween decorations and have begun my Fall cleaning.
    There's a change in the wind, temperature and Sunna is moving across the sky. She's changing her view from my East windows moving left to right.
    I make apple pomanders, pumpkin bread and I have been yearning for pumpkin pie lately.
    Blessed Be,


  3. @ Linda - as always, thank you for your words that encourage. XO

    @Paulette - Sometimes I make apple pomanders too, but really prefer the orange, Isn't it amazing how long they last? I have some that are 25 years old! I too have been yearning for pumpkin anything! Cheese ravioli with pumpkin walnut sauce, pie, pumpkin bread! Our local Duncan Donuts shops have pumpkins muffins already, LOL. We are not alone; everyone is ready for Autumn! XO

  4. Lovely poem! I love Autumn too! Cant wait to feel the nice cool breezes. And of course put up Halloween/Samhain decorations :). Autumn Blessings to you!
