Webs of Woven Words, Threads, Stitches and Enchantments

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Hallows Everyday 6

Ancestor altar, 2009, copyright E A Kaufman

Between the heavens and the earth
The way now opens to bring forth
The Hosts of those who went on before;
We see them now come through the Open Door.

Now the veils of the worlds are thin;
To move out you must move in.
Let the balefires now be made,
Mine the spark within them laid.

Move beyond the fiery screen,
Between the seen and the unseen;
Shed your anger and your fear,
Live anew in a new years!

Lore of the Door

Ancestor Altar, 2009, copyright E A Kaufman

Blessings nine!


  1. The problem I have with the Ancestor Altar is that I can go back to 1670 with my ancestors - and that's just one line. 1780 on another. I think I shall have to make a book, decorate it in a special way and enter all their names. This will stand on my altar along with photos of more recent loved ones.
    Andi xx

  2. Wow - how wonderful!!! Your idea is great - how perfect to have a decorated book with everyone's names, photos when possible, and other words of remembrance and inspiration. Hmmm.... my have to let myself be inspired by your idea! XO
