Webs of Woven Words, Threads, Stitches and Enchantments

Monday, October 22, 2012

Hallows Everyday 22

Light a sacred flame
in My blessed name;
Hold an earthen stone
touched by you alone;
sprinkle holy salt
to the Gods exalt;
burn a simple scent.
Call each element;
sing a Goddess song
joining with the throng;
begin now the dance
stepping into trance;
praise the sabbath eve
and all My love receive.

Message #269, Patricia Della Piana
"Voice of the Mother"

This "message" comes from a wonderful book, Voice of the Mother, by Patricia Della Piana. It is filled with messages, which can be read as prayers, inspiration, or just reassurance. I find them helpful when performing my daily self-Reiki treatments. I follow the treatments with my usual devotions, a small offering, a bit of a libation, and recitation of prayer or hymns. I also include other devotions, such as those in this book and another of her books, The Goddess Book of Psalms. Even if you normally don't perform daily devotions, at this time of year, such a holy time, the boundaries between the worlds fading and opening, it is a fulfilling practice to incorporate into your day. Yes, I know, you are so busy... but even a few minutes spared to light a candle, a stick of incense, and leave a bit of bread outside, will leave you finding an empty place within filled. 

Patricia has practiced the Old Artes for many years and is the author of a number of books. I highly recommend her work to you, and this one, in particular, for devotional work. Here is a link to her Facebook page:   https://www.facebook.com/della.piana?fref=ts and another link to her author page at Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Patricia-Della-Piana/e/B003AJBFQ6/ref=ntt_athr_dp_pel_pop_1

Blessings nine!

1 comment:

  1. Received a message from Patricia, she had trouble posting it here, so I am doing it, which includes links to her sites:

    Thank you, my dear sister-in-Goddess, for your very kind words. I'm overwhelmed by your praise. The Mother has blessed me with Her words, and I am Her humble scribe, publishing those sacred words for all to read. Many blessings upon you in this holy season.

    from Patricia Della-Piana, Author
    Books available at http://lulu.com/spotlight/deliathecrone
    Etsy Shop: http://www.etsy.com/shop/DellaPiana
    Also visit my blog at patriciadellapiana.wordpress.com
